Taken from BMFA Contests & Events Calendar:
Event Details
Starts 01/04/2020 at 19:30
Ends 01/04/2020 at 22:00
Venue Deanwater hotel Woodford Cheshire
Location SK7 1RJ on A5012 Poynton to Wilmslow rd
Summary Entry £2 table holders £4 (plus entry) Doors open 19.30 table holders 19.00
Additional Info Our long running NW area spring swap meet. Bar and seating in swap meet room and food available from the hotel bar.
Disciplines Electric, FPV, RC Fixed Wing, Scale
Website http://pmaccheshire.bmfa.org/
Contact Information
Name Terry Mason
Phone Number(s) 07950 052039 or 0161 439 3816
Email Address pmaccheshire@virginmedia.com
Submitted on 27/12/2019
Cancelled due to Coronavirus